
Smart Solar Power in Europe – Proceedings

The European networks SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems (ERA-Net SES) organised the „Smart Solar Power in Europe“ event in the framework of Intersolar in Munich on 16 May 2019. Some 80 stakeholders participated in this successful event.

The goals of the event were:

  • Learn about the funding opportunities provided by SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net SES
  • Get insight into cornerstones of the EC Strategic Energy Technology Plan for solar power and smart energy systems
  • Hear about the new legal framework for Local Energy Communities.
  • Exchange with potential project partners and representatives from national funding agencies.
  • Explore topics and build new consortia in view of the upcoming Joint Calls.
  • Identify success factors based on the experience and lessons learnt within projects supported by SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net SES.


Below you can find the presentations given and summaries of the workshop session.

Christoph Hünnekes
Head of Photovoltaics, Project Management Jülich, Germany; Chair of the Implementation Working Group PV to the PV Implementation Plan within the Integrated SET Plan
“SET Plan – Status and visions for successful transnational projects”

Stephan Abermann
Head of Competence Unit Photovoltaic Systems, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
“AIT’s experience with SOLAR-ERA.NET”

Bart Geerligs
Senior scientist specialist, TNO, The Netherlands
“Advanced technology development in SOLAR-ERA.NET projects”

Wolfgang Hein
Chairman, EUROSOLAR Austria
“Smart solar power – fast track to a renewable Europe”




Alejandro Perez-Rodriguez
Head of Solar Energy Materials & Systems Group, IREC- Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Spain
“Transnational cooperative activities at IREC – Added value from SOLAR-ERA.NET experience”

Stefan Nowak
Managing Director NET Nowak Energy & Technology, Switzerland; Coordinator of SOLAR-ERA.NET
“Success factors and opportunities with SOLAR-ERA.NET”

Pierre-Jean Alet
Senior Expert, PV-center, CSEM, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
„PV in active distribution networks”


Ludwig Karg
B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Germany;
“The Implementation Plan for SET-Plan Action 4 and the Joint Programming Platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems” and “ERA-Net SES Knowledge Community”

Dieter Geyer
Scientist and Project Manager, PV Modules Systems Applications, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), Germany
„NELL – Novel Encapsulant for long Lifetime High Voltage resistant PV Modules – a SOLAR-ERA.NET project“

Workshop summaries

Workshop 1: Advanced industrial PV technologies / Emerging PV technologies
Workshop 2: PV integration in buildings and infrastructures
Workshop 3: Solar power in smart local energy systems

Programme and event brochure

